Call for Art: 2018 Rural South Carolina Artwork Competition
Deadline July 28, 2018, 3 p.m.
Artists 18 years or older and living in South Carolina are invited to submit artwork for consideration as the official imagery for the 22nd South Carolina Annual Rural Health Conference and 8th National Rural Health Day.
The purpose of the 22nd S.C. Annual Rural Health Conference is to provide support, education, and peer discussion between rural healthcare entities in South Carolina. The S.C. Office of Rural Health is continuously striving to improve access to quality health care for rural communities in South Carolina. The 8th National Rural Health Day is dedicated to “Celebrating the Power of Rural.”
Theme/Subject of Entry
Artwork should represent rural images while portraying the theme for the year: “Rural Scenery in South Carolina.” Additionally, artwork can represent rural medical care images. Think non-traditional rural scenery. Think outside the box.
Guidelines and Usage
Artwork or professional JPEG picture of artwork must be received no later than Friday, July 28, 2018 at 3 p.m. The winning artist may decide if he/she is interested in attending a Meet-N-Greet to show off their original artwork at the conference in Myrtle Beach. The winning design may become the official image for the S.C. Office of Rural Health’s 22nd Annual Rural Health Conference on Oct. 8-10, 2018 and 8th National Rural Health Day on Nov. 16, 2018. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winning images may be incorporated into all promotional and marketing materials for the events mentioned above; such as, save the date cards, posters, advertisements, website and social media.
- Entry must be original artwork.
- All mediums are accepted, including photography.
- Image should not have any text, depict children or present any negative scenes of rural America.
- Artwork can be submitted one of the following ways:
- Mailing the artwork or personally delivering it to the S.C. Office of Rural Health
- Taking a professional photograph of your original artwork and sending the JPEG file via email.
Get more information, and the mailable registration form, by clicking here.
Register online by clicking here.
The South Carolina Office of Rural Health is a partner in the Arts Commission’s new “Create: Rural S.C.” program that launches with an informational meeting in Hampton June 12.