Call for sculpture: 2013 Public Art Exhibition on Hilton Head Island

The 2013 Public Art Exhibition on Hilton Head Island, DISCOVER, seeks proposals for sculpture engaged in a contemporary conversation about art within a natural environment. The theme is intended to inspire submissions that foster discovery, exploration, interaction, recreation, education and an element of surprise within the beauty of the Lowcountry region. The exhibition will showcase outdoor sculptures by local and national artists.

Deadline for applications is March 1, 2013.

Up to 20 large-scale outdoor sculptures will be selected by a jury. Selection will be based upon artistic excellence, innovation, interactivity and originality. Jurors will also consider the work’s ability to enhance the natural and cultural environment and reflect the values and diversity of Hilton Head Island.

All artists chosen will be awarded a $2,000 participation stipend. One of the sculptures will be purchased and donated to the Town of Hilton Head Island’s growing public art collection. Three additional sculptures will be selected as “People’s Choice.”

The exhibition takes place at the Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn from September – December 2013.

Visit and click on the “Artists” tab to learn more or to apply.

Via: The Public Art Exhibition on Hilton Head Island