SCAC offers new early arts learning workshop series
The SCAC is partnering with Wolf Trap Institute for an exceptional opportunity to make performing arts come alive to young learners.
Sign up now for three, one-hour guided experiences in MUSIC, DRAMA, and DANCE. Participants will work with a Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist to break down an art form into its fundamental elements and apply those elements to strategies for learning in all domains: virtual, hybrid, and in-person early childhood spaces.
These are FREE and open to all, but early childhood educators and teaching artists might benefit most. Register for each workshop individually:
Day 1 | May 30 | Music with Sue Trainor
Day 2 | May 31 | Dance with Valerie Branch
Day 3 | June 1 | Drama with Christina Farrell
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
All hour-long workshops start at 4 p.m.
Connect with this event on Facebook here.